I used iMovie when I was a beginner, now I use Final Cut Pro. When it comes to keyboard shortcuts, I have to say I am not a shortcuts person. Even though they can help me to speed up my process of editing, there are hundreds of keyboard shortcuts that I can’t remember all. For another, mouse can do everything, just move it and click it. However, there are still some keyboard shortcuts that I use all the time, such as Duplicate, Cut, Paste, Undo, Arrow, Blade, Import and Export.
I have never used keyboard shortcuts for zooming in and out the timeline before (Command+Z). Because I can use the scroll bar to do that. I also drag the scroll bar rather than Hand Tool (Command+H) to make timeline left and right. The scroll bar is more flexible and convenient.
I read the keyboard shortcuts sheet for Final Cut Pro before writing this paper, and there is a shortcut calls Apply Default Transition (Command+T). I used to add transition by dragging it from the transition list. I tried this shortcut and found it useful, so I will remember it.
When I was editing last time, I wanted a clip to use another clip’s LUT setting. I duplicated the LUT and pasted it, but it was the clip that being duplicated, so I have to add the LUT and adjust to the same setting to that clip. I just found the shortcuts for copying effects (Option+Command+C) from the keyboard shortcuts sheet! It is going to save me lots of time to do the editing.