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#2 Goals and Desires

作家相片: Shufeng YuShufeng Yu

To be honest, this assignment sets me off thinking, because I haven’t thouhgt about it before. What’s my goals and desires?

The reason why I am doing the Master of Media at RMIT may date back to 2016. At that time I borrowed a camera from my friend and use it to took activity photos for my department at my university for posting on its social media. I thought it would be good to make a video to memorize the time we were working together, so on a whim I also shot some videos. Even though I had never done the editing before and didn’t know how it works, I just googled everything I didn’t know when doing the editing. It took me almost 10 hours to complete the editing, but I was being enthusiastic with it. This experience developed my interest in media industry, so I chose media as my Master’s program.

A-month’s study in RMIT brought me not only new editing skills but also so many knowledge in both practice and academia, including camera, movie, sound, script, social media…I am trying to absorb them as much as possible. My editing skills that I learnt before this semester helped a lot to my assignments and projects, but they are no enough to make a great video. So I need to further my editing skills by the class Sound and Image to make awesome videos in the further. Besides, I used to watch movie as an audience, and judge it only by its story. In this semester, I want to learn how to analysis and deconstruct a movie. As a media student, it’s necessary to watch movie in a professional’s perspective.

To achieve these goals needs to take times and efforts, but these will help me to improve myself and do better in my study.

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Post Links of Assignment 4

#1 Introduction to Documentary: #2 No Direction Home:...

#7 Reflection on the Course

During this semester, the course Sound and Image has taught me the general but comprehensive knowledge of filmmaking, from...


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